A groundbreaking project
Born in September 2015, NEST is the new college for university students in Trento.
NEST is a state-of-the-art, unique place: it provides students with accommodation in modern, well-finished rooms and a broad array of opportunities for learning and making the best of their academic experience.
NEST has developed a new, more advanced concept of academic learning that is grounded in the present and future oriented. This extraordinary offer has been made possible by a fruitful partnership with the research and innovation centres of the Autonomous Province of Trento as well as the local community. NEST also enjoys a full, successful integration with the University of Trento, widely recognised among the best in the country for its excellent academic standards and quality services.
NEST offers NEST residential hall and also the network CAMPUS NEST: a whole new variety of accommodation options available in Trento.

NEST was born from the longstanding experience of the Società Cooperativa IL FAGGIO, a cooperative that has provided students with hospitality and support services since 1981.
The cooperative Il Faggio has always been a firm promoter of an intense coexistence model that contributes to the development of a mature personality, inclined towards critical, open-minded, and out-of-the-box thinking. At the same time, this model aims at fostering sense of community and social responsibility.
From the Academic Year 2015-2016 IL FAGGIO is providing hospitality for nearly 350 University of Trento students at their NEST residential hall and other accommodation units.
Additionally, Il Faggio is also active in social, family and youth tourism and manages tourist hospitality facilities in northern and central Italy.